Powdery Peas

I have noticed a white powdery mildew on my peas.

I grew two rows of peas this year. The first row, which I planted earlier in the spring and were picked 3 - 4 weeks ago, were a super crop producing 10 - 11 peas in each pod. Unfortunately, my second row which I planted later, thinking I would have a continuous crop over the summer, have been infected with a white powdery mildew. I wasn't sure why this was so asked my Dad - he wondered if I had watered them too much, so I stopped watering.

I then looked on the internet and have found two different reasons: one saying that peas need plenty of water so a sprinkler system would be good, and the second reason I found was that peas should be planted as early as you can in the spring so they come earlier in the summer rather then late. This is some of what I read on the internet...

Symptoms: round white powdery spots and coating on leaves, stems, and pods... Powdery mildew is caused by fungal spores... Spores germinate on dry leaf surfaces when humidity is high; spores do not germinate on wet leaves... Common in late summer or fall but does not result in loss of plant... Avoid water stress... Pick off infected leaves... Rotate crops... Keep water off foliage as much as possible... Destroy plant debris after harvest...

PICK OFF INFECTED LEAVES!!! That would be a laugh as come on down and have a look - every single bit of foliage has it on and even the pea pods aren't growing properly!

So it's hard to know what to do as one source says use a sprinkler and another keep water off foliage!

My decision I think will be to plant early and pick early in future.

Photo shows Powdery Mildew

Submitted by Mandy, plots 11A & 14A
