Beautiful Borlotti

Some of our Borlotti Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris 'Borlotti') are ready now and we've been enjoying them fresh. The pods and beans have a wonderful red and white speckled appearance when they are ready for harvesting. Picked 'demi sec', when the beans have filled out in the pods but before they dry out, they can be eaten after a 20 - 30 minute boil in water with some herbs added. Here's what to do:

  • Shell the beans and add them to a pan of water.
  • Add a bay leaf, a sprig of thyme and some sage.
  • Add a clove of garlic or 2 and a chilli. If you want to increase the garlic or chilli flavour, you can crush slightly before adding to the water.
  • Bring to the boil and simmer until the beans are soft. This will vary depending on how dry they are. Test occasionally to judge softness.

Alternatively you can add them to stews or casseroles. Any you don't need now can be left on the plant to dry and then use through the winter. We haven't grown many, so they will all get eaten fresh. It's nice to have beans like this without needing to soak them first!

Submitted by Tigger
