Good Bonfire Guide

It's coming round to that time of year when we start burning the rubbish and debris from our plots, so here's a reminder of the allotment guide to fires:

  • Only burn dry, natural material - avoid burning anything that gives off harmful fumes.
  • Keep your fire, or incinerator, well away from any flammable objects, such as wooden sheds.
  • Avoid lighting the fire in unsuitable weather conditions. Smoke hangs in the air on damp days, in the evening, or when air quality is poor.
  • Please avoid burning when the wind will carry the smoke over other people’s property or other allotment plots when people are working on them.
  • Be a good neighbour and avoid burning any material if you see washing hanging out.
  • Never leave the fire unattended to smoulder. Douse it with water if necessary.

Thank you - and stay safe.

Read the Good Bonfire Guide.

