All Change

There are a couple of exciting changes this month. Firstly, we are delighted to announce that the new Council Representative for the allotments will be Bryn Wilson, who is also the Chairman of the Wiveliscombe Town Council.

Bryn is a keen vegetable grower and gardener and has always taken a personal interest in the allotments, so it is perhaps not surprising that he volunteered for the role. The Allotment Association Committee very much look forward to working with Bryn to continue to advance and improve the allotments over the coming years.

We also wish to express our sincere thanks to Adrian, the out-going Council Representative, who has done sterling work for the allotments over the last six years and can now deservedly relax and concentrate on his plot.

Secondly, we have added another page to the website which allows prospective allotmenteers to apply for a plot online and also displays how many people are currently waiting for an allotment. Once a person has completed the application form their details are automatically entered onto an electronic waiting list until such time as a plot becomes available.

Now, anyone interested can see at a glance how many people are on the waiting list by looking at the electronic counter on the Contact Us page. However, in accordance with the Data Protection Act, individuals' details will be held securely, with only the appropriate Association and Council representatives able to access this information. The Town Council has agreed that the Allotment Association will now manage the waiting list as this will help in decisions about how best to progress the allotments in the future.

To help people to contact us easily and assist in their decision to rent an allotment we have also added some FAQs and a general enquiry form to the same page.

So, in future, if you hear of someone interested in having an allotment please direct them to the website or, as is already the case, anyone without internet access can contact one of the Association Committee personally.

