Musical Plots!

It's really been a case of musical plots in the last month! Four allotments have changed hands and we have welcomed an influx of new members to Plain Pond. Most have been taking advantage of the mild weather and have been busily getting to grips with their new plots.

For a while now we have felt that there was a need for some smaller plots at the allotments so we got agreement from the Town Council to split one half-plot into two quarter plots. These are ideal for people who have very little spare time because of work or family commitments. Both quarter plots were filled immediately, and there may be scope for a couple more in the future if demand stays high.

The reason for having a council-owned allotment site is to enable as many people as possible to grow some fresh vegetables for themselves and their families. The easier we can make it for them to do this the better. Having a flexible range of options is much more practical than having people struggle with a plot they cannot manage and are constantly worried about. After all, having an allotment should be fun and not all hard work!

