Spud U Like?

Did you know that there is a UK National Potato Day? There are more than 200 different potatoes listed on the British Potato Variety database, so it seems fitting that the humble but much loved spud should be allocated its very own day.

Potato Day events give you an opportunity to buy a range of different tubers, often in small quantities, direct from the growers. This is ideal if you just want to try something completely different or have a small plot but want to grow a variety of different potatoes.

The first ever National Potato Day was held by Garden Organic in 1944. The aim was to give growers access to a much wider variety of tubers and promote the diversity of British potatoes. Since then, many other local Potato Days have been established, offering growers an ever expanding choice; advice about dealing with blight, and the opportunity to talk potatoes with fellow enthusiasts.

Although officially the last weekend in January, there are events throughout January, February and March. Some are listed here to visit a website that lists some of the Potato Days in the South West. Alternatively, a web search will certainly turn up a local event.

Different nations celebrate their potatoes at different times of the year. For example, here in the UK we hold Potato Days in late winter so that we can buy the seed potatoes we want to plant in the coming year. In the US however, National Potato Day is celebrated in late summer/early autumn when the potatoes are harvested and people delight in sharing recipes and tips for cooking and eating them.

So, let's hear it for the potato, which has become a staple food for so many of us.

