Mower Know-how

We had a beautiful sunny day for the first lawnmower workshop yesterday. Five of us gathered around as Kim patiently explained the techniques needed to get the best from the allotment's elderly lawnmower.

The mower (now known as Doris), was kindly donated to the allotment Association by Walt many years ago. She is still going strong thanks to lots of tlc by Kim. The session was a big success as, despite some initial misgivings, we all managed to prime and start the mower and felt capable of using it unassisted in future.

Kim stressed the importance of being mindful when using the mower - as with any machinery - watching for stones and paying heed to the engine noise. We all agreed that the main incentive for mowing the main path was the valuable grass clippings we wanted for our compost heaps!

Many thanks to Kim for holding the workshop. If there is enough demand we will organise another one later in the year.

