Tea and Lots of Cake!

What a great turn-out for last Sunday's tea and cake break! Once again, we had perfect weather and by 3pm everyone was happy to down tools and come for some refreshment and a chat.

Jan did a wonderful job of organising the event and everyone was well-catered for with a range of teas, coffee and cold drinks. The home-made cakes were particularly scrumptious and most people had a second piece, and a third piece...

Big thanks to Jan for arranging such a lovely treat and managing to cater for 30 hungry people. Thanks also to Roxanne and Julia who, along with Jan, contributed the wonderful cakes; to Adrian for bringing a spare stove; and to Ruth who turned up with extra tea in the nick of time.

This is one of our most popular events and it really was great to see so many people there, especially so many of our new members and their partners. It is one of the things which makes having an allotment at Plain Pond so special.
