Open Day 2016

We haven't held an open day for a few years, but Saturday more than made up for it! The sun shone, the gazebo's went up, balloons bobbed, and bunting fluttered in the breeze. And the goodies poured in. Home-made scones and cakes, shortbread, rolls, fritters, brownies, muffins... then there were the jams and jellies, chutneys, wines and punch!

We welcomed 22 visitors through the gate, including many local residents as well as a few from further afield. Our council rep Bryn Wilson was there, as was our guest of honour, Allan Cavill, from the National Allotment Society. An excellent turn-out of plot-holders brought the total number to 50. Nobody left hungry!

Of course it wasn't all tea and scones! Isabelle held a wildly popular demonstration on how to make mayonnaise - which tasted amazing - we never want to use shop-bought again. Friends and family members turned up throughout the afternoon, and most people enjoyed a stroll around to admire the allotment plots. There was fun and laughter and time to chat or simply sit in the sun. We gave away surplus veg and people left happily clutching tubs of asparagus peas, patty pans and red gooseberries!

The views from our beautiful site wowed our visitors and all their comments were very favourable - praising the allotments, the friendly welcome, the gardening advice and, of course, the food! We raised £30 from donations (after expenses), and Rob was the happy recipient of a bottle of sloe gin for winning the raffle. Nobody guessed the correct number of beans in the jar (212) but Penny's sister, Fi, came closest with 204.

It was a fantastic day. One of which we can all be very proud and which showed off our allotment site, and our plot-holders, at their best. The thank-you's are just too numerous to list here as so many of you contributed in different ways. Our young photographer for the day, Lucas, did a marvellous job, but I think we all agree the day really belonged to our social organiser, Jan, who worked so hard and generously on our behalf to put it all together. Thank you Jan!

(Click on the photos to enlarge.)
